Complex Safety Requirements

Asymmetric safety envelope ranging from with venue, parking lots, perimeter and beyond

Large crowds

Multiple stakeholders

Soft Target Facilities

A consequence of being welcoming is that facilities are often unprotected

Open and sometimes crowded spaces

Need for an alert and vigilant workforce that can alert security in a crisis and with proactive tips

Duty of Care

A wide range of visitors, clients, vendors and contractors are often on site

During a crisis, it is paramount that the organization effectively communicates with them and assures their safety

Risk Management

All enterprises face the risk of unanticipated events that could
cause injury, loss of life, economic
loss and reputation damage

Tools, resources and training are
essential to both prevent and/or
mitigate such events

Large Scale Collaboration

Asymmetric safety envelope ranging from with venue, parking lots, perimeter and beyond

Collaboration with public safety

Multiple stakeholders

Protocol Compliance

Asymmetric safety envelope ranging from with venue, parking lots, perimeter and beyond

Large crowds

Multiple stakeholders

VIP Protection

Extending the security envelope from multiple VIP’s and their families

Geo fences extending across US and even international boundaries

Asset/Visitor Monitoring

Venues have to plan for a side range of visitors including vendors, partners, sponsors and retail services

Tracking an array for high-value assets